EnvKey's Vanta integration allows you to sync your organization's users with Vanta in order to help simplify and automate security and compliance.

To integrate an EnvKey organization with Vanta, you'll need to have the Org Owner role and a Cloud Pro or higher plan.

If you'd like to integrate Vanta with Business Self-Hosted EnvKey, please reach out to support@envkey.com and we'll help you set it up.

Here are the steps to integrate:

1.) If you haven't already, install EnvKey and create a new organization.

2.) In the EnvKey UI, ensure you're signed in to the organization you want to integrate, then click the org settings dropdown in the upper left corner of the screen with your org's name on it, then click My Org in the dropdown menu.

3.) Click the Integrations tab.

4.) Follow the instructions to connect EnvKey with your Vanta organization via Oauth.

That's it!